Frequently Asked Questions about Vibe Room:
Profiles Vibes Payments Tickets Perks Artist/Venue Accounts Issues/Bugs
On Desktop: You must register first. Then, in the upper right hand corner of the website, click on Account, then Profile Settings. There you can upload profile photos, photos of you at concerts, a cover image, etc. Here is also where you can link your social profiles, your spotify account, your favorite YouTube playlists, etc. You can also tell us what kind of music you like so we can better plan on what artists to add to our platform.
On Mobile: You must register first. Then, click on the sandwich menu button (looks like 3 straight lines stacked on top of each other.) There you can also upload profile photos, photos of you at concerts, a cover image, etc. Here is also where you can link your social profiles, your spotify account, your favorite YouTube playlists, etc.
For a couple of reasons. First, it makes it much easier for us to automate a lot of the process when you want to share a Vibe. The heart and soul of Vibe Room is the social aspect. As with any crowd-funding platform, the results are driven by the crowd. That requires the ability to share what you want to your social network. We just want to do everything possible to make it as easy and hassle-free for you to share the Vibes you are passionate about. It also allows us to see what Artists you like or follow so we can prioritize which artists get added to the platform sooner rather than later.
We promise to never post on your behalf, without permission, and we don't collect any information that isn't the absolute minimum we need to make our platform better.
Yes. Loyalty Rewards points will be redeemable for Vibe Room show tickets, perks, and other exclusive offers from our particpating artists and venues. We're constantly coming up with even more cool ways to let you use your points to get the rewards you deserve. We will keep you posted on the status of the Loyalty Rewards program through our e-mail newsletter.
Sharing points are limited to the specific Vibe you are helping to fan-fund. The more people use your unique share code, the more Sharing points you receive and the further up the Vibe Scoreboard you'll climb. We will reward our top sharers in each Vibe with things like free ticket to the show, free perks, extra Loyalty Rewards points and more.
You can Follow a Vibe during the BUILD and PLEDGE STAGEs. By Following a Vibe all you are doing is telling us that you support this artist and are interested in bringing that artist to your town. When you Follow a Vibe you receive e-mail updates about that particular Vibe. You are the first to know about what Perks are available for a particular Vibe and when the Vibe will switch from the BUILD to PLEDGE STAGE so you can be the first to pledge to buy the best tickets and Perks. You can Un-Follow a Vibe at anytime. Once a Vibe moves from the BUILD to PLEDGE STAGE Followers will have the first opportunity to Join the Vibe by pleding to purchase tickets and Perks. More on that below. You can still only choose to Follow the Vibe in the PLEDGE STAGE but if you do you will likely miss out on the best seats and Perks. Plus, you will wind up with a really bad case of FOMO if you don’t Join the Vibe when you first have the chance.
Right now you can only Join a Vibe during the PLEDGE and PLAY STAGEs. When you Join a Vibe, you are making a pledge to buy a ticket, or tickets, to a show if the Vibe gets fully funded and we book the show. Joiners have access to the best seats in the house, receive first access to exclusive Perks from artists and the venues, and are guaranteed a ticket when the Vibe happens. Don't worry, as the Vibes progress through our process, we'll keep you up to date every step of the way and if at any time, prior to booking the show and entering the PLAY STAGE, you decide you want to un-Join a particular Vibe you can un-Join with just a few mouse clicks! Joining a vibe is best for people who want to support their favorite artists, be guaranteed tickets when that artist comes to town, and want to have access to the best Perks we have to offer. We ask for your payment details only to make sure you are serious about your pledge and to verify that it is a legit card. When you Join a Vibe, your credit card will only be charged if and when the show is fully funded and booked.
The Vibe Starter is the person who started the Vibe, originally. This is the person who was willing to agree to buy the first ticket(s) and put in the effort to share the Vibe with their friends to get the ball rolling. In acknowledgment of those efforts, we reserve some of our best Perks and experiences for the Vibe Starter of a successful Vibe.
But don't worry if you aren't the Vibe Starter, there are plenty of Perks and experiences to go around. Don't forget, the more you share a Vibe and get your friends and fellow fans on board, the more you move up the sharer scoreboard. We take care of our Top Sharers right along with our Vibe Starters and we reward those that share their passion and help make it happen.
You simply click the Start A Vibe button in the menu. Then you'll select the artist/band you want to start a Vibe for, where you want them to play and then you'll be asked how many tickets you'd like to pledge to buy. Then enter your credit card info (don't worry, you can un-Join at any time and we won't charge you unless the show gets funded and booked) and you're all done. We'll then give you a unique share code to share with your friends and followers. The more people who Join or Follow the Vibe using your unique share code, the more points you'll receive and the more rewards and perks you can earn.
You may be asking "why do I have to pledge for tickets to start a Vibe?" That's a good question. Vibe Room is built to allow fans to make the concerts they want to see happen where they want to see them. We use fan-funding to make these shows happen. But if you're going to try to get your friends to participate by joining and pledging to make it happen, we feel that it is important for the Vibe Starter to have a little skin in the game. Being a Vibe Starter can come with great rewards, but it is also going to be a little bit of work. So we want to make sure our Vibe Starters are serious about the Vibes they start, so some bloke doesn't just go out starting Vibes that they don't care about and that they do not intend to actively share.
During our Sneak Peek Beta Phase, we deliberately decided to select a limited number of artists we've worked with in the past and who share our passion for empowering fans. As with any Beta platform, we are using this time to gauge the interest of our users and tailor our artist selections to our users' tastes. We will be adding additional artists in the coming weeks and months as we receive more feedback from you. We all remember how that swearing, racist chatbot turned out the first time. We want to make sure you don't have any weird experiences like that.
We want to hear who you want to see on our platform, so we can add them to the list. Simply go here to let us know who you'd like to be able to bring to your area and we'll see what we can do.
Vibes in the BUILD STAGE are newly created Vibes that haven't reached enough people yet for us to reserve a date with the artist/band and venue (generally speaking, they haven't yet reached the designated percentage of what it would take to fan-fund the show.) These are good Vibes to join as they are needing support from people like you to reach the next stage. They also don't have as many Followers yet, so you'll probably have a better chance of moving up the scoreboard. When it comes to being Top Sharer, the earlier you Follow and get your code, the more time you have to share. You won't be charged a dime until you Join the Vibe and the show is booked, so what do you have to lose? Better to Follow early, share often and reap better rewards.
Vibes in the PLEDGE STAGE have generated enough interest for us to have held a date on the both the artist's/band's calendar and the venue. These Vibes will have set ticket prices, available Perks from the artist/band and/or the venue. These Vibes are also are on a countdown clock. We can hold dates with venues and artists, but only for a short amount of time before we either have to book the show or release the hold. As such, the PLEDGE STAGE is the most critical time for a Vibe. The Vibe has to hit 100% funding before the countdown runs out. So, if a Vibe you're participating in is at the PLEDGE STAGE, it's crunch time. Share like you've never shared before and make it happen!
Vibes in the PLAY STAGE are our favorite kind. This means the show is 100% fully funded and has been booked and confirmed. These are Vibes that are going to happen. During this stage, you can no longer Join or Follow, but you can buy what tickets remain, if any. During this stage, we will be notifying the Vibe Starter and Top Sharers of the cool rewards and Perks waiting for them at the show. The only thing left to do is wait for the day of the show and enjoy an awesome concert the fans made happen. Viva La Concierto Revolucion!
Your unique share code is what allows us to track how much you are sharing a particular Vibe, and for you to see how successful your sharing is. It's one thing to share it with a lot of people, but getting people to participate is more important, as that is what makes the show happen.
So you may be asking now "Where can I find my unique share code?" Another good question (you all ask AWESOME questions!) You can get your unique share code on the popup screen immediately after Starting, Joining or Following a Vibe. You can also find it on your profile page where the Vibes you've Followed or Joined are listed. We will also include it in some of the status update emails we send to you as the Vibe progresses. Also, any time you share from the Vibe page itself, we will automatically use your unique share code. So you don't have any excuses not to use it, plus, it is the only way for us to track how awesome you are at sharing!
As many as you like. You won't be charged immediately for any Vibes you Join since we don't want you spending all your rent money in one fell swoop. We made Joining a Vibe risk free in that you can Join and not be charged until the Vibe enters the PLAY STAGE. If you change your mind or grandma's birthday check doesn't clear (Hey...she is on a fixed income don't judge) then you will be able to save the dough by un-Joining before the Vibe enters the PLAY STAGE. However, if you are like us and love going to concerts and have a little money to spend, then we are going to work together to revolutionize how live concert experiences are created.
Just in case you find yourself a little over-extended, you can always un-Join or un-Follow a Vibe anytime prior to it reaching the PLAY STAGE. So, feel free to Join or Follow all the Vibes you like, just remember that any tickets or Perks you pledge for can only be used by you and your guests with you present. We don't allow for resale or transfer of tickets or Perks without our express permission. There are exceptions to this rule, such as giving as a gift or last minute change of plans. But these are the exceptions and we can't guarantee they will be available for every Vibe.
Vibe Room is here to help you, the fans, create and make the shows you want to see happen. We aren't trying to be mean, it's just the only way for us to protect against bots and scalpers (remember the whole Hamilton $3000 tickets that should have cost $100...that's why!)
In late 2017 or early 2018, once we fully launch the platform, we will be offering a Loyalty Rewards program that will allow you to earn points by starting successful Vibes, Joining successful Vibes, buying tickets to Vibe Room shows, completing your profile and for doing many other things. In the near future you will then be able to redeem those Loyalty Rewards points for things like free tickets to Vibe shows, VIP access, free perks, and other rewards from your favorite artists/bands and venues.
Don't worry we didn't forget about you. We are already awarding these points in the background from the beginning of our Sneak Peek, so you, as our early users, will have a headstart. Just another way for Vibe Room to say thank you for helping us test our platform and help launch a music revolution. We'll keep you up to date on the status of the Loyalty Rewards program as we get closer to the time when we're ready to launch.
When Vibes are in the BUILD stage, they haven't yet reached enough participation to warrant us putting a hold on an artist's or venue's calendar. Once we activate these holds, we only have a certain amount of time before we have to release the holds and let the date go. An artist can't be expected to wait forever for a Vibe to fund right? So what we do to solve this problem is we wait until a Vibe has reached a specific level of participation before placing our holds. We understand that some people have busy lives and busy schedules and aren't in a position to commit to a Vibe with an unknown date. We understand completely which is why we made Joining a Vibe a really easy and risk free endeavor. You can Join a Vibe at any point prior to the PLAY STAGE and still qualify for all of the benefits that go with being a Joiner. However, if you are still hesitant and just aren't sure you can just Follow the Vibe and wait until the Vibe hits the PLEDGE stage, at which point we will have a date and a venue for the proposed show and then you can Join up and still access the opportunity to pledge for tickets and perks.
Of course the reverse is also true. If you are an early believer and you Join a Vibe because you don't care what day the Vibe is going to be on as long as you are guaranteed a ticket and first access to the awesome perks, but then you discover that the concert just happens to fall on your beloved pet hamster's birthday...what do you do now? We know it may be important to you, so if you just can't bring yourself to cancel the b-day celebration, then you can just un-Join the Vibe and you won't be charged a thing. Just make sure you continue to Follow the Vibe because I hear hamsters have a short life span and...I'm just saying you might regret giving up your guaranteed tickets.
Just remember, until you Join a Vibe, we can't guarantee you will be able to get a ticket if you decide to wait and just Follow a Vibe. Choose...but choose wisely.
When a fan starts a Vibe, we don't really have enough information to set a firm ticket price. We have enough experience in the concert industry to know approximately how much the ticket will be for a given artist. So we show you the estimated ticket price so you can decide if this show is right for you and fits within your budget. This is NOT the final ticket price, just our best, educated estimate.
Once the Vibe reaches the PLEDGE STAGE and we hold a date with the artist and select a venue, we'll have all the information we need to set the final ticket price(s). After putting all the details in place, we will notify all the Joiners and Followers that we've set a date and let you know final ticket price(s) and available perks. We will then give the Joiners first dibs on the tickets as well as the artist and venue perks. Join early and Join often. Once the Joiners have feasted, then we will allow any Followers who wish to convert to Joiners to have the same opportunity. If you have already Joined a Vibe in the BUILD STAGE then you have wisdom beyond your years, and you will have the first opportunity to return to the Vibe Room page to confirm your pledge and select your final tickets and perks.
Whenever Vibes are started by fans, and the venue is unknown, it is harder for us to guarantee that perks offered by the artist at other shows are possible in this instance. There might not be private space for meet and greets, there aren't VIP sections, etc. We don't ever want to promise you something we can't deliver.
However, once the Vibe Room team sets a date and reserves the venue, all the available perks for that Vibe will be available first to the people who have already Joined the Vibe. The easiest way to tell if this is the case is that the ticket prices will be listed as "estimated ticket price." So keep an eye on your email address that is in your profile and we'll notify the Joiners first when the tickets and perks are available.
In most instances, if a Vibe does not get fully funded it will be retired and all the Joiners and Followers will revert to Followers so that they can be notified in the future when the artist is passing through their area or if someone else in your city starts the Vibe. Vibes can miss the mark for several reasons, including, bad timing for your area because the local Strawberry festival is going on, or the Cubs are playing in the world series and no-one is watching anything but that, or maybe there just aren't enough visionaries yet in your city. Whatever the reason, we will retire the Vibe and no one will be charged. You are welcome to start a new Vibe in the future when the timing might be better or more people have hopped on the artist bandwagon.
Now remember we said "most instances" there might be a few instances when the interest shown was enough for the artist and the venue to come together and book the show anyway in which case the Vibe will immediately reach the 100% funded goal and you get to have your cake and eat it too because it is deemed a successful Vibe. This will happen from time to time, but won't always be the case. So, until you get the e-mail from us that a Vibe has been retired, there is always hope, so keep sharing and keep the faith.
Keep an eye on the e-mail address listed in your profile. We will send you an e-mail prior to announcing the date of the show on the platform. Just follow the instructions in that precious e-mail and you'll be all good to go. If you Joined the Vibe, you'll either be asked to return to confirm your pledge or told you're good to go.
Either way, now is crunch time. Once we set a date and hold a venue the countdown clock begins and you will have a limited amount of time fully fan-fund the Vibe. We can only hold dates for the artists and venues for so long. So when we set a date, now is when you really need to buckle down, get to sharing (like for reals) and make it happen! Plus the more you share, the better rewards and perks you can earn. What are you still doing here...think you have some sharing to do :)
Given that our Vibe concerts are fan-funded, if we have too many Vibes started in the same general area, none of them will probably be successful as several different groups of people would be divided in their efforts. We feel that the most important thing is to bring the artists to the areas where people want to see them. We would rather have fewer Vibes created if that means that more Vibes are successful and more fans get to see their favorite artists.
So, if you see that someone in your area has already started a Vibe with that artist, wouldn't it make sense to join forces and hop on board and help make it happen? If you're worried that you can't get the Vibe Starter rewards because it's already been started, don't worry, that is why we created the Sharing Scoreboard so we could reward everyone who plays a part in making it happen. Just Join the existing Vibe, share with your friends and followers and get to the top of the scoreboard. You'll still get cool rewards, get to see the artist you love in your area and have a great experience. Sounds like a win/win to us.
During our Sneak Peek Beta Phase, we really have not started signing up a lot of venues all across the country so we cannot let you pick the venue when you start a vibe. We do however have relationships all across the country and will select an appropriate sized venue in your market once we know the demand is there. A lot goes into picking a venue for a concert. Is it big enough to keep ticket prices reasonable? Does it have a big enough stage? Do they have the right sound system to accomodate the artist/band? The list goes on. As the Vibe Starter, we want to hear from you so if after you start a Vibe you want to drop us a note and let us know what you think the perfect venue would be in your town, we will most definitely take that into consideration when finalizing the venue for your Vibe. Also, if you know a venue owner and you suggest that they sign up for Vibe Room so they can become our preferred venue in your neck of the woods, then that works too.
In the future, as our platform grows and matures and we have more venues signed up, we will allow Vibe Starters and Venues to coordinate to start Vibes provided they match the requirements needed by the artist. There is a lot more code to write before that happens. Be patient grasshopper.
Probably not. We won't say it's impossible, but given the costs of permits, staging, sound, lighting and other production requirements, it would make the tickets prohibitively expensive. Granted, it would be the coolest thing ever for you, but for most fans it just might not be worth it.
However, we are working on some functionality to be released in the future that would allow you to create a private Vibe that we can book as a private show. Kind of like a "Buy It Now" button for super fans. You pick an artist, start a private Vibe, then we assign it to one of our team members and they explore how serious you are. Then you can convince your fellow party go-ers to put up the bigger bucks to make it happen, or you can just write a big check, and we will coordinate the deets and make your backyard concert a reality. Private shows are not cheap, but they are really cool. There will be some hurdles to over come, but we'll promise to do our best when we roll out that functionality.
If a Vibe is cancelled after it's been booked and entered the PLAY STAGE, all tickets and perks will be refunded 100%. There is no need to request a refund. When we announce a cancellation, we will have already refunded all tickets prior to the announcement. But please be aware, depending on your bank, it may take 3-4 days for you to see the refund.
If a Vibe which has entered the PLAY STAGE needs to be postponed due to illness of a band member, death, etc., we will notify all ticket holders that they may receive a refund if they wish. However, if the show no longer remains funded with the ticket purchases remaining after processing the refunds, we will cancel the show, issue refunds to everyone and re-start a new Vibe with the new date.
Besides, if we didn't have your payment info on file, you would have to come back to Vibe Room, reselect your tickets and perks (if they were even still available) and then those like you that made the Vibe happen wouldn't be guaranteed a ticket. By getting your credit card info it allows us to prevent the dreaded "ticketing bots" from getting all the tickets and selling them at inflated prices. Also, you only have to enter it once, after then, just select USE EXISTING CARD on the pledge screen and all your info will be there with just a sincle click. Also, there are always those people who say they'll pay you for something, but never quite get around to it (we all have those kinds of "friends" don't we?!) Ultimately, doing it this way allows us to keep our ticket prices as low as possible, while also making it as convenient and easy for you to make sure you have a ticket to the shows you want to see.
The ticket price you pledged for or bought includes all relevant local and state sales taxes.
As for ticket fees, that is one of our pet peeves and another reason we decided to create Vibe Room. We don't charge ticket fees, convenience fees or any other kind of bait and switch type money grabs. We only charge you what we get charged by the credit card companies and any other local or state entities that we might have to pay for the privelege to bring a show to your city. Vibe Room makes a small percentage from every successful Vibe that takes place and our fee is figured into the overall funding goal for the Vibe.
As a general rule, once a Vibe reaches the PLAY STAGE, they are not. Unless the Vibe gets cancelled for some reason in which case you will recieve a 100% refund for tickets and any non-deliverable perks. If you find you can't attend a Vibe show and would like to give another fan the opportunity to attend we will refund your ticket if there is another fan willing to buy it. We really don't like scalpers or bots so in order to prevent them from getting their hands on your tickets and ensure that our tickets get into the hands of the true fans we have adopted this policy. Perks are always non-transferrable due to security concerns and the nature of the unique experiences. However, if you cannot for some reason use your perk that you otherwise paid for drop us an e-mail at and we'll see if we can help make it up to you.
While a Vibe is in the BUILD or PLEDGE STAGE, you can simply un-Join the vibe and you won't be issued or charged for tickets or perks.
Artist/Venue Accounts
On Desktop: In the upper right hand corner of the website, click on Register, then select select the Fan box and the Artist box under Roles. Fill in the necessary information and click Submit.
On Mobile: In the upper right hand corner of the site, click on Register, then select the Fan box and the Artist box under Roles. Fill in the necessary information and click Submit.
You will be able to use your Fan profile as soon as you verify your e-mail address. It will take us a minute to look over your Artist information and someone will contact you if we have any questions. If your artist profile is accepted you will be able to access the artist profile settings and proceed to complete your profile and begin starting Vibes. Not all artists will be accepted to the Vibe Room platform. Initially we are only accepting artists that have a national touring strategy and are looking to expand their presence on a national basis. In the future we may expand to local and regional artists, but for now we are not asking for those submissions.